Saturday, October 22, 2011

Lets Get Schist-Faced!

It has been a while since my last post, so this one has a lot of pictures.  Things have been really good over here in Cork.  The boys and I spent a week in Potsdam germany (about 3 weeks ago) taking a class on GIS.  We were digitizing geological field maps.  We took a 4 hour bus ride up to Dublin (cheaper flight) and staying a  hostel for the night.  Germany was awesome though.  Lots of staring at computers, but super cool.

A Guinness in Dublin.

They love Federer in Switzerland

A giant park in Potsdam.  It's the grounds to an old palace

Hacky Sack

Th Palace

Hacking in front of the palace.

Zie boys, ja

Strange gold building in the park

Finding food in Potsdam

A little frisbee golf with our friend from Potsdam.

We are still exploring the futher reaches of Cork city.  Rob and I walked down a section of the river Lee that we had not before, and it was quite nice.  Granted, it is in the middle of a huge city. 

Back in Cork.

The River Lee

We also recently made a visit to the old Jameson distillery.  It was really neat to get a tour around the distillery and learn about making irish whiskey.    We also got to taste some whiskeys, which wasn't a bad thing. 

The Jameson Experiance

Whiskey as it is agged.  left to right:
 3 month, 1 year, 4 year, 12 year, 18 year

Certified whiskey taster!

We went hiking this last weekend with the UCC mountaineering club.  It was nice to get out and away from the city, but it was not what I expected as far as 'hiking' is concerned.  They treat hiking up this one hill (the only one around) is a dangerous task that, if you are not carefully, may end in disaster.  All the leaders were constantly orienting themselves with their small maps and compasses, even though you could see everything you needed to.  They were also decked out in the most expensive clothes.  You think I'm a gear-head you should see these fools, they gat decked out for hill walking.  We also were required to stay in a group (fair enough), and between the leader and the person bringing up the rear (what?).  I felt like I was part of a string of pack mules.  

We went on a sunday "hill walk" with the school mountaineering club

Super windy on the top.

Zach being a boss.

Two nights ago we went down to the pub for a geology trivia session.  It was hosted by the professors, and they yelled questions to the 50 or so geology students who were sitting around the tables drinking beer.  It was super fun and a good way to meet people in the department.  The team I was on won best geologically-themed name; Let's get schist-faced. (schist is a type of rock).  Cork is awesome, but I miss home as well.  Hope everyone is having an awesome day.