Sunday, September 30, 2012

Cabinet Mountains

Just got back from climbing Mt. Ojibway in the Cabinet Wilderness.  It was awesome climbing in an awesome spot.  Climbing in Precambrian Quartzite is a pretty good way to spend a saturday.


Rock Lake

Ski potential

Cruising the ridge

We left Missoula at 4:20am and were hiking in by 8:10.  It took us roughly 2 hours to make the lake and another hour to make the base of Ojib.  We were back to the car by 6:30.  The Cabinets are beautiful!  Here is the link to all the pictures.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Better Late than Never?

Been a little while and I have some photos to share.  The end of the summer and the beginning of the semester has been pretty packed full of work and play.  It feels good to be back in Missoula.

Back before Ev and I drove down the Alcan Erin and I did a long day traverse up the South Fork of Eagle River.  We had wanted to summit Cantata but got turned around and cliffed out.  So instead we dropped off the ridge just below Cantata down toe Mirror Lake.  We then cruised up Triangle and over the other side.  Turned out to be a really good day.  Cantata will be a spring mission.

Erin trudging up Triangle

Shortly after the South Fork trip Evan and I set off south in the Subaru headed fro Missoula.  We had pretty good weather and a good time.  Ev did get a head old on day 2 which she quickly passed on to me.  It took us 3 and a half days to get to Missoula.  We hung low for a day and half trying to get over the cold.  We then headed into the Bitterroot Mountains to climb a 500ft cliff.  It was Ev's first multi pitch and it was awesome.  It was a little windy, but the sun was out.


Dinner time on the river

University Studies

Then Erin came and visited Missoula,  which was a blast!  We went down and hiked up Mill Creek a ways, but the smoke was really bad so we eventually turned around and headed for the brewery.  Our next adventure ended up being E St. Maries Peak (Mission Mountains).  It turned out to be steep but rewarding.  The view from the top it pretty amazing.  I hope to get skiing up around those parts at some point in the future.

Mill Creek

Up in the Missions

I drove over to the Bridgers last weekend with my buddy Kyle to see our friend Ben.  We got out and did some climbing and had some good times.  We got to climb on Madison Limestone and Archean Gneiss. Very contrasting types of climbing.

Ben Cruising it

Gallatin Canyon

Stay Tuned